Cupping Therapy

Despite recent popularization during the 2016 Olympic Games, cupping therapy in an ancient and unique practice. Some of the earliest recorded references to cupping as a medical practice are in the Ebers Papyrus written in 1550 B.C. in Egypt. References to cupping are also made in ancient Greek medical texts with depictions of cupping illustrated.

Depiction of cupping in Greek medical text, referred to as Hijama.

Depiction of cupping in Greek medical text, referred to as Hijama.


Cupping is unique to most other massage techniques because rather than compressing the tissue toward the bone, cupping lifts the tissue away from bone. This lift frees restrictions and adhesions by pulling blood and lymph to the skin, increasing oxygenation to muscles. I offer a unique style of cupping that is dynamic in nature, moving the cups along the muscle fibers during the session. This style incorporates soft tissue mobilization techniques with cupping therapy. Cupping is suitable as a stand alone treatment or as an adjunct to massage therapy. Cups can be added easily to your massage
